What To Expect

Davis’ DEN

In Ms. Davis’ classroom we use Davis’ DEN to build community and help keep each other accountable for both our behavior and our academics. DEN stands for Done, Engaged, Nice. Each table team works together every day to earn points in each of these 3 areas. Done means that students complete all tasks that Ms. Davis asks (ex: brain warm-up, classwork, homework.) Engaged means that students are participating and staying on task (ex: taking notes, listening to Ms. Davis or peers, working when it is time to work.) Nice means that all students are being respectful as well as being good teammates (ex: raising hands, keeping hands to ourselves.) It is my belief that being a good student is only part of what makes a good person. Our classroom community should be a place where students feel safe; to take risks as part of the learning process, to learn from others and to grow as individuals.

To see the slideshow that was shown in class click on Ms. Davis’ DEN.


Expectations and Norms

  1. Respect is not an option, it is a requirement. Students will be respectful of themselves, each other, teacher (Ms. Davis, substitutes or any other adults in the room), and property at all times. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and we will ALL strive to do so.
  2. Students are expected to come prepared to class every day with their CHARGED Chromebook, writing utensil (pencil), paper and something that contains their papers (ex: folder or notebook).
  3. There is NO gum or candy (unless I give it to you) in the classroom. Students MAY have water bottles. There is NO food allowed in science class (accommodations may be made if needed).
  4. If students are absent they are expected to use 1) the Daily Slideshow on Schoology, 2) Schoology assignment folders and 3) their table team to find out what they missed. Take the initiative rather than asking me.

To see the slideshow Ms. Davis show in class click on Classroom Info/Expectations 2023 Slideshow.


Classroom Routines

  • Every day when students come to class there will be a slide with the brain warm-up code on the projector. When the bell rings students are expected to be in their seats working quietly to complete the warm-up. Once attendance is taken we will go over the warm-up as a class.
  • Whichever bear is the DEN point tracker for the day should pick up the point sheet for their team by the time we go over the warm-up.
  • Ms. Davis will go over the agenda and we will begin the activities of the day.
  • At the end of class the point tracker needs to confer with their team, determine the points earned for the day, and turn in the team’s point sheet to the point tracker table for the week.
  • If any work needs to be completed for homework Ms. Davis will announce it during class, and it will be indicated on the Daily Slideshow as well.